RedShift 3 how and why (FAQs)
In case you are wondering what you can do with RedShift, or you have a particular question, here are some typical questions that we have been asked in the past and some suggestions of ways to use RedShift.

For technical FAQs, refer to the readme file on the CD-ROM

Why is the Moon so small?
What can I do to make RedShift run faster?
Why can't I see the object that I am aiming at?
Why can't I see more stars?
My screen is completely black (or filled with one color, or blocks of color), what happened?
Something is different - how do I get back to how it was?
How do I control how RedShift will appear when I start it up?
I did something and RedShift spent ages doing calculations - what happened?
When I link to other Internet sites from the RedShift site, how can I switch to using my usual browser?
I am at one of Jupiter's moons (or a moon of any other planet), how do I find where Jupiter is?
I have heard the name of an astronomy object, but I can't remember what it is. How do I find out more about it?
Where I live, I usually don't see very many stars. How can I get RedShift to simulate the sky in my city?
Why can't I see the Magellanic Clouds?
Can I switch screen resolution?
I would like to get a map view, how do I do that?
How do I get that Solar System view?
I don't understand the location modes
Where are the missing Messier and NGC objects?